Fast Equipment High Performance Doors

High-speed roll-up doors

High-Performance Doors for Worker Safety, Improved Product Flow, & Environmental Control

High speed doors are virtually essential in high-traffic areas. They improve exit and entry processes, help control environmental factors (temperature, humidity, etc.), increase security, and reduce the ingress of unwanted contaminants (dust, debris, rodents, etc.). 

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The ultimate in high-performance doors

When speed is of the essence, the last thing you need is a door hindering productivity. High-speed, high-performance doors are the answer.

The Case for High-Performance Doors
The best high-speed doors operate up to 100” per second—a direct contrast to the average 8” per second of conventional doors. The impact of such hardware dramatically increases workflow and reduces energy consumption. They also have fewer maintenance needs as conventional doors are not designed for such a heavy workload. Efficient opening and closing also benefit security and environmental control.
Increased Efficiency
Thanks to their speed, high-performance doors allow traffic to flow unimpeded. This is hugely beneficial to product movements, meaning higher levels of productivity are achieved. Optimizing traffic flow, improving working conditions, and increasing facility throughput are crucial ways to maximize working practices—something that every logistics manager is always striving to improve.
Energy Saving
Fast opening and closing speeds play a significant role in keeping cool or heat in the place it’s meant to be.  In turn, this positively impacts power requirements, meaning facilities pay less energy bills to keep an ambient temperature. The same holds true for humidity control. The shorter the time a door remains open, the less exchange of air, heat, and moisture takes place.
Increased Security
Every time a door opens represents a potential opportunity for a security breach. This could be unauthorized people or even rodents—something that can wreak havoc on any product inventory and have serious health implications. Fast, efficient access and egress are vital elements of any facility’s blueprint, making it essential to fit doors that are fit for purpose in high traffic areas.
have Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where should high-speed doors be used?
What are the benefits of high-performance doors?
Do high-performance doors require loads of maintenance?
What types of high-performance doors are available?
Are high-performance doors only suitable for high traffic areas?
Let’s talk about high-performance doors

Fast Equipment Lead the Way in High-Performance Door Innovation

Seeking the best advice on high-speed roller doors and high-performance options? Look no further than the highly experienced Fast Equipment team who can assist with every element of doors, maintenance, servicing, repair, fitting, and procurement.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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